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Dagger - May represent anger or aggression. For Freud it represented the phallus

Damsel in Distress - In a man's dream the dream may be calling he to rescue his anima from its imprisonment in the unconscious, to realize the ignored and abused feminine side of his nature.

Dam - walled up emotions; if dam has burst emotions are being released.

Dance - joyful attitude; the dance of life (metaphysical); or dancing around a problem that you should be giving attention to.

Danger - inpending change about to occur; awareness.

Darkness - the unconscious breaking through with new information; if frightening it represents your fear of something.

Dawn - a fresh start; raising unconscious content to consciousness (be receptive, not fearful of it); illumination.

Dead/Death- the end of something, with a new beginning i.e., leaving an old job for a new one; death in a dream rarely means a real death.
More on Dead/Death

<1>If the dead person is someone you actually knew it may mean you should take notice of what he or she said or did, or what happened to him or her. The person is not coming back to 'haunt' you but to advise you or to help you. In actuality, this person is a part of your own psyche, taking the form of the dead person. Such encounters may help you to fulfill a long desired relationship, or put something right. For example, you may learn to forgive the person {or yourself}and as a consequence get peace and healing for yourself.
<2> If a deceased partner or parent appears in dreams, the above may apply. Bear in mind that the dead do live - inside us; and that it is important to realize when this is a healthy and life-enhansing thing and when it is purely negative, stunting your own personal growth. If it is the latter, resolve to have it out with the dead person the next time he or she appears in a dream
<3> If the dead person in the dream is actually a living person - and especially if that person is your partner or sibling - the dream may be expressing unconscious resentment towards that person, or a desire to be independent. Feelings toward someone close are often ambivalent {simultaneous conflicting feelings toward that person}: love or respect mixed with fear or hatred or resentment or jealousy. The usual conscious response to such a dream will be anxiety, and you will feel anxiety in the dream itself.
<4>The dead person may be you. If so consider the following possibilities:
  • What is being expressed in the dream may be your own anxiety about dying. Death is inevitable {an old Islamic proverb: when the angel of death appoaches it is horrific, when it reaches you it is bliss}, and facing up to the fact may bring great rewards: self-acceptance; new values; a broadening of one's personality, compensating for past omissions or lopsidedness and utilizing hitherto neglected personal resources. This would be especially applicable if you are in the second half of life.
  • The message may be that your old self needs to be left behind. This may mean that you must stop carrying around with you the crippling burden of your past {irrational guilt-feelings and martyrdom complex, or any other negative self-progreamming}; and, instead, you must open yourself to what the present moment is offering. Alternatively, the 'old self' may be old attachments, habits, ambitions, values, goals; in which case the dream is telling you that the only way forward for you lies through giving these up and looking deeper within yourself for better values, etc. {where 'better' means more in tune with your real self}.

    {Primitive rites of passage,as described in mythological symbolism as well as in dreams, which mark transitional stages in a person's life - birth, initiation into adulthood, marriage and career, death - all contain death-and-rebirth symbolism and express a recognition that the development of new attitudes more appropriate to one's new stage in life {the death and resurrection of Jesus is a metaphor for such death and resurrection stages in the individual life}. The symbolic death of the initiate in these rites may also be seen as a descent of the conscious ego into the unconscious: it is the unconscious {and the compensating knowledge that it holds} that provides the means for new growth - rebirth.

    It is just possible that, if your own death features repeatedly in dreams, it is an expression of an unconscious wish for death. Freud speculated in 'Beyond the Pleasure Principle' that there might be, in everyone, just two controlling basic drives: one towards life and love and pleasure {Eros}, and the other towards death {'Thanatos'}. This is highly controversial {as is much of Freud's theories}, but it is indisputable that many people display strong masochistic tendancy.

    Are you compelled to repeat painful experiences? Do you tend to interpret what other people say as a criticism of yourself? If so, you may be suffering from repressed guilt-feelings and an unconscious urge to punish yourself - which sometimes take the form of a fate-neurosis and/or a wish {unconscious, as in your dream} to see yourself dead. If you feel this applies to you, talk to a friend about it or consult a psycotherapist. See Suicide

    A wish for death may be a retreat from life's problems and pains, or a response to a sense of failure. If this applies to you, bear in mind, first, that a very sensitive person may also be burdened with an over-severe conscience {the product prehaps, of having a stern father or a sin-and-guilt religious upbringing}. In that case, see the previous paragraph. Secondly, what makes a thing a problem is usually one's attitude towards it. For example, suppose you have been made redundant {repeat mistakes over and over}. If your reaction is to see this as a punishment, see previous paragraph. If you see it as a failure, try to change your attitude or perspective by asking what creative purpose may be being served by your redundancy; perhaps, for instance, the demolishing of an inadequate or false self-image in order to make way for the construction of one that corresponds more closely to your individual ground-plan or 'destiny'.

  • <5> If the gender of the dead person is stressed, the meaning may be that your masculinity/femininity or your animus/anima needs reviving.
    <6> a dead animal in a dream almost certainly refers to some part of you - an instinctive force, perhaps - and the dream will be telling you either that this part of you {e.g. guilt-feelings or inferiority complex} ought to die, because its effects are wholly negative; or that it is a valuable but repressed part of you that you must now bring to life, to rectify an imbalance in your personality.

    From HyperDictionary.com
    daffodil ---> december
    deck ---> dictator

    From dream moods
    To dream about the death of a loved one, suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what do you like about him. It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances. Alternatively, it indicates that whatever that person represents has no part in your own life

    From iVillage

    Dreaming about death is very common and it can be interpreted in many different ways. Death is usually a symbol of some type of closure or end. It implies an end to one thing and a beginning of another. Death dreams usually have positive symbolism. If you are the dead person in your dream, it could imply that you would like to leave all of your worries and struggles behind and begin anew. Dreaming about someone that you care about may express your fear about losing them. Dreaming that one of your parents died may express fear of loss, but it also may be an unconscious valve through which you release anger and other negative feelings. In some cultures dreaming about death and dying is a very good omen that represents longevity and prosperity.
    Deaf - closing out the truth; not listening to ones true self.

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    - owing to something and not giving to it.

    Decay - negative thoughts; something in your life is disintegrating i.e your marriage, your health.

    Deer - Gentle, innocent aspects of self, often victimized by failure to awaken to strenghts and inner realities.

    Defeat - going in the wrong direction.

    Defecation - cleansing; purification.

    Demons - repressed parts of your unconscious which are threatening to disrupt things as you know it. (search the dream for what that might be; confront it. you cannot heal what you aren't aware of. seek help if needed).

    From HyperDictionary.com

    Seeing demons in your dream, represents ignorance, negativity, distress or your shadow self. It also forewarns of overindulgence and letting lust give way to your better judgment. As a result, your physical and mental health may suffer. Dreaming that you are possessed by demons indicates ultimate helplessness.
    Depths - Dephts of any kind - a cellar, a deep place in the earth,a dep well, etc., may represent the unconscious. To explore the unconscious one must explore one's total life to find the hidden, forgotten, repressed events in life and confront them.

    Depression - low energy; true depression in your conscious life.

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    Desert - Stagnation, no personal growth in your life. also may symbolize the unconscious. See Oasis.

    Devil - In Jewis-Christian-Islamic traditions Satan was represented by a horned fertility god, a personification of the fertizing power of nature. In psychological terms, a fertilizing agent is something within the psyche that can inaugurate a new phase in the individual's development. It also may represent the repressed contents in the unconscious that can lead one to a fuller and balanced life.

    From SpiritCommunity

    Dreaming about devils and demons is usually very frightening and you may awake from fear. The devil does not generally represent something outside of yourself. It usually symbolizes the most negative and least developed part of you. It may be that part of you that is ignorant and destructive. You can determine the meaning and message in your dream by looking at all of the details carefully. All dreams are good dreams in that they bring unconscious materials to the conscious mind. Only then can you begin to effectively cope with the more unpleasant sides of your personality. Carl Jung called this negative side the "shadow." The devils in your dreams could be representations of your personal shadow or they could be a glance at the collective shadow.
    Diamond - May be a symbol for the Self, one's higher self, positive, spiritual, creative.

    Digging - May symbolize digging for one's true self. Pay attention to whatever has been dug up. It may symbolize something within you that needs your attention.

    Diary - your life through conscious perception.

    Dice - a gamble; is it worth it?

    Dirt - A symbol for something we regard as prohibited or disgusting. This would be something within you that your dream is expressing an emotional reaction to that needs your attention. Being dirty in a dream may signify something about yourself you can not accept because of guilt feelings that possible stem from childhood.

    From HyperDictionary.com
    dictionary ---> divorce
    dizzy ---> drawing

    From iVillage

    The word disease literally means out of ease. Before you begin to interpret this dream on a psychological or metaphysical level, first check your health. The dream could refer to physical or emotional health
    Disease - inner conflict; possible illness of dreamer(the mind-body connection will provide information about the self before it actually occurs (rare).

    Diving - Sometimes symbolizes the unconscious, a descent into the unconscious with the aim to bring repressed, forgotten aspects about oneself to consciousness. Diving and bringing up treasures may symbolize successful realization of one's true self.

    Divorce - leaving sommething behind; a division usually leading to something positive.

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    Doctor - inner healing; that which can correct a wrong.

    Dog - May symbolize your animal nature. May represent a repressed part of the psyche (foaming dog with rage). If paired with a wolf, the wolf would represent your animal nature and the dog would represent your higher nature.

    Doll - If cuddly, may suggest your need for love and nurturing; if Barbie or Ken type may symbolize you are playing a role and suppressing your true self. In any event the doll most likely symbolizes an aspect of yourself.

    Dolphin - May symbolize communication between the unconscious (sea) and conscious (sky). May represent some specific unconscious content that is speaking - or trying to speak - to you.

    Dome - May symbolize intellect, or the conscious ego. May symbolize your true self and your potential perfection. May be a sexual symbol (female breasts).

    Door - if open, an opportunity exists; if closed, a barrier or limitation in your life.

    Dove - A symbol of peace. A symbol for love, including sexual love. A talking dove may be advice from the unconscious - take note.

    Downhill - A symbol of decline or a fear of going 'downhill'. What in your life is declining? It also could mean letting go, relaxing, leaving stress behind.

    Dragon - May be a representation of the unconscious when it is guarding treasure or a cave containing treasure. The treasure is your true self. The dragon-slayer is a representation of Jung's first stage of the individuation process where the ego's heroic struggle lifts itself out of the unconscious to establish its control of the unconscious forces.The dragon may represent the 'devouring aspect' of your mother. Slaying the dragon would therefore mean putting an end to such motherly attachment. It may represent the generative power of (Mother) Nature. A winged dragon may symbolize transcendence, a passing from a 'lower' to a 'higher' level of personal maturity.

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    Drawer - May symbolize a source of wisdom - within yourself. may represent your psyche with the top drawer representing your ego, the bottom or lower drawer being the unconscious layers of your psyche.

    Dreaming - In a dream symbolizes an awareness of the dream state, or an unconscious awareness of something that was once unknown. This is a good time to take control of your dream and ask any questions that might shed new light about yourself.

    Dress - A dress is clothing and it may symbolize your ego or persona. It may indicate the feelings you have toward yourself, especially a relationship to the image you present to the world. A dress would be an article of female clothing, so it may repesent your feminine aspect.

    Driving - in most dreams points to the direction you are taking in life. If driving a car, the one who is driving (you or someone else) will be in control. If you are in the back seat some else may be controling your life, or some emotion is controlling your actions

    Drowning - emotional overload. Seeing someone drowning in your dream, suggests that you are becoming too deeply involved in something that is beyond your control.

    From HyperDictionary.com
    dream ---> dynamite

    From hyperdictionary

    Dreaming that you are drowning means that you are overwhelmed by emotions or repressed issues that is coming back to haunt you. You may be proceeding too quickly in trying to discover your unconscious thoughts and therefore must proceed more cautiously and slowly. If you drown to death, then is refers to an emotional rebirth. If your survive the drowning, then a waking relationship or situation will ultimately survive the turmoil. Seeing someone drowning in your dream, suggests that you are becoming too deeply involved in something that is beyond your control. Alternatively, it represents a sense of loss in your own identity. You are unable to differentiate who you are anymore. Dreaming that you rescue someone from drowning indicates that you have successfully acknowledged certain emotions and characteristics that is symbolized by the drowning victim.
    Drugs - In a positive sense it may symbolize sometning that balances or corrects disharmony in the body, or emotions. Also an escape from dealing with life, numbing oneself to outer conditions, searching for answers without instead of within. Looking for enlightenment from unnatural sources, or seeking enlightenment from inner sources.

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    - not seeing things clearly. Suggests that you are acting careless and insensible. You are losing control of your life and have lost a grip on reality.

    Duck - Geese - Flexibility in handling emotional situations. If swimming, you are in control of your emotions.

    Duel - Inner conflict. Normally it is a conflict between your conscious ego and your unconscious which represents your true self.

    Dust - Something covered with dust is something that has not been touched for a long time. It is a shut away emotion, fear, desire within the unconscious. A person covered with dust is you and you need rejuvenation. A symbol of death or mortality in a sense that something within you feels dead.

    Duty - It may be a true inner voice telling you waht you msut do in order to get in tune with your 'destiny'. It may be a symbol of an over-developed super-ego, reflecting either errational fears or guilt-feelings stemming from traumatic childhood experiences.

    Dwarf - May symbolize a stunted personality - your own. Get in touch with the repressed, neglected parts of your personality and give them full attention so to better develope them.

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